

Page history last edited by Julie Reulbach 11 years, 9 months ago



Read the t-shirt scenario.  What do you notice / wonder?

Class Notices / Wonderings:

  • Shirts are expensive – the $200 fee is high!
  • I wrote and equation
  • Weird - $200 fee – grays blacks 
  • Why do the colors matter?  Why is it extra for gray? 
  • Lot of little fees add up.
  • $200 big fee. 
  • Why so expensive. 
  • How many shirts was he getting?  
  • $8 per t-shirts and there are 100, why is it $1000? 
  • Why is there a $200 fee 
  • Why were the t-shirts $8, he should get a discount if he buys a lot. 
  • Why are they so expensive? 
  • Expensive! 
  • Fee to begin with, Just ONE t-shirt would cost $208!
  • I was curious about why people don’t include the starting price.  Total listed only 
  • Didn’t say how much was added for the colors.   +1  +1 
  • Tax for all of them or just the on tshirt. 
  • 200 is the constant.  If it is $8 per t-shirt for 100 shirt. So if don’t order 100, is the cost the same?  (discount for more, or more for less shirts)   +1 
  • How many does he want to buy? +1 
  • How much the first time fee wo separation of colors. +1 
  • Why is it so much for the colors.


Tonight for Homework:

1.  Calculate the slope for the equation of the line that we plotted in class.  Use the slope formula.

2.  Write an equation of the line.

3.  Decide how much he should charge for each t-shirt.  

4.  Optional:  Try to write an equation and graph it.




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