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Khan Academy

Page history last edited by Julie Reulbach 11 years, 11 months ago

THREE important steps you must follow before using the Khan Academy in Mrs. Reulbach's class:


1.  Log into Khan Academy Using your Google Account


2.  Change Your Name

     You will need to change your name so I know who you **really** are!  :)


     Click on your NAME (top right corner).

    • Visit Profile
    • Edit Profile
    • Edit Basic Profile



          First name, last initial  (Example:  Ally F)


          entire name with no spaces.  (Example: allyflemming)


3.  Add ME as your coach

      On your PROFILE page (where you just were), find and click on Coaches (in the lower left hand corner)

       In the Add A Coach box

       ENTER:  juliereul@gmail.com  and hit REGISTER COACH


4.   *** When you watch the videos, have pencil and paper out so you can work the problems with the video!



The Khan Academy site allows you to see which math concepts your student is proficient in as well as which concepts need more work.  Students have to sign in to Khan Academy with either a Google account  or their own Facebook account.  To sign up for a Google account, you do not need a Google Email (gmail) as you can use your current email address to create a Google account.


Students can work practice problems online for specific topics listed below.    Please instruct students NOT to guess.  Each problem set includes hints and online video instruction if they need help or additional instruction.   Please add me as their "coach" so that I can follow their results!  Enter my email, julietodd@roadrunner.com into the coach section.


The topics that students should have mastery in by the 6th grade are listed below.  Just click on the topic to work the practice problems and start earning stars!  The skills increase in difficulty as you advance down the list.  



Additionally, many rising 6th grade students are already proficient in the following skills.





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