
7th MathReuls

Page history last edited by Julie Reulbach 10 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to 7th Grade Math! 

Mrs. Reulbach can be contacted at jreulbach@woodlawnschool.org 


Agenda Today, Wednesday, 5/21:

  1. When you finish the quiz, work on the Desmos.com Activity 
  2. Self-score your Word Problem with the rubric 
  3. Nearpod Survey
  4. Record Multi-Purpose Building Grade, 50 points
  5. When you finish, please write down   Vertex Form: y - y1 = a (x - x1)2 

          Do this  Khan Academy - Parabola Activity  (Don't forget to login with Google) to help you answer the questions below. 

      1. What happens when x1 changes?
      2. What happens when y1 changes?
      3. What happens when a changes?
  1. Explore this Desmos Graph.  https://www.desmos.com/calculator/mey71rif1d  Were you right in a - c? 




Make a Des-Man



Multi-Purpose Building


Go to this page and follow the instructions.  Inequalities



7th - Air Travel


Monday, March 10th, 2014

Take your measurements with a partner and then enter your data on the Measurements

1.  Complete this Khan Set.  If you do not finish it, then please work on it for homework.


2.  Make sure that your grade record sheet for the 2nd trimester is up to date, accurate, and calculated.  You should have 158 total points.  If you are missing anything, please check with a friend, at work time - not in class, to see what you have missed.  Once you know what assignments you are missing, you may come and see me before school to find out your missing grades for those assignments.  I will check your GRS tomorrow in class.


3.  If you are not proficient in slope (you have a B or a D on your concept chart), then please visit the Slope page and work on more slope exercises.


4.  If you have a P on your slope concept, you may do coding instead.   You can do any coding site that you like.  Code.org has added an Angry Birds Coding Tutorial!  If you finish with the Khan set, you may work on that.

Coding Creations - Angry Birds Coding link!  






Functionary Link  Enter class code:  1234


Function Carnival

Func Carn T


Update Your Wiki Page




Enter your measurements!


Please remember that this homework list is not a substitute for your agenda.  Please go by your agenda if it is different than the homework listed below.

If you cannot see the homework below, click here.



Homework Workbook Pages

Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4



Population Growth Project

Population Density

Important Links



Homework Help


Other Resources



Blank Grade Record Sheet

Concept Checklist.pdf (blank)




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Comments (Show all 108)

halynna loves you :) said

at 7:43 pm on Nov 3, 2011

ya know whos a ninja....jackie frikin chan

3lliott said

at 11:33 am on Nov 9, 2011

ya know who can split the world with a round house kick? Chuck Freaking Norris

Julian said

at 8:47 pm on Nov 9, 2011

elliott, chuck norris was last years convo. hes old and prob has arthritis. jackie chan is stilll flyin thru walls and doiing craziness

halynna loves you :) said

at 8:53 pm on Nov 9, 2011

YES julian. YES.

Julian said

at 8:57 pm on Nov 9, 2011

hahaha theres no comparison between the two. i jst googled it
chuck norris: 10 losses
jackie chan: big zero

Julia said

at 8:58 pm on Nov 9, 2011

I'm confused what r we supposed to do for homework?

halynna loves you :) said

at 10:34 am on Nov 10, 2011

jackie chan all teh way... chuck norris is old now

3lliott said

at 10:38 am on Nov 10, 2011

i agree. chuck was the first person to come to mind.

Julian said

at 10:08 pm on Nov 10, 2011

Jackie Chan is way cooler than Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris is a major loser.

Julian said

at 10:08 pm on Nov 10, 2011

Hey everybody! It's Julian. I love you all. Especially Mrs. Reulbach!

Julian said

at 8:48 pm on Nov 17, 2011

matt, did u comment using my account?

Matt Childers said

at 9:13 pm on Nov 17, 2011

maaaaaayyyyybbbbeeee :)

ava b. said

at 11:13 am on Nov 23, 2011


Erin Tinkler said

at 10:49 pm on Nov 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day! hahahaha
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Erin Tinkler said

at 10:50 pm on Nov 24, 2011

awwwwwwwwwww it was supposed to be a turkey .. one more tome

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charlotte Berl said

at 8:11 pm on Nov 28, 2011

nice erin

charlotte Berl said

at 8:07 pm on Nov 30, 2011

so tired

charlotte Berl said

at 8:07 pm on Dec 1, 2011

bah wish i went 2 christmas in davidson tonight

jake johnson said

at 9:58 pm on Dec 11, 2011

hehe its a rose

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halynna loves you :) said

at 9:44 pm on Dec 13, 2011

gracious you have too much free time haha jk

jsbubak@... said

at 5:05 pm on Dec 12, 2011

ok, how did u do that jake? I stink at making things like that except for faces.

Julian said

at 8:46 pm on Dec 12, 2011

dangggggggggg jake that is intense did u google it to find how to do it?
. .

halynna loves you :) said

at 5:46 pm on Dec 15, 2011

9 MORE...DAYS...CANT...WAIT....MUCH...LONGER!!!! (does anyone get my cliffhanger reference? ya know, between the lions?)

Julian said

at 8:36 pm on Jan 9, 2012

hahhaha i get it

halynna loves you :) said

at 7:28 pm on Mar 26, 2012


halynna loves you :) said

at 9:20 pm on Apr 2, 2012


ava b. said

at 8:41 am on May 6, 2012

33 days!! YAY!!

ZoeG said

at 11:01 am on Sep 9, 2012

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Kyle B said

at 2:46 pm on Oct 8, 2012

hey willl

WIll H said

at 8:21 pm on Oct 20, 2012

hi kyle we all miss you

Wilder B. said

at 5:39 pm on Sep 8, 2013

hi! I'm the 1st in my grrade to comment on this :D

Connors A. said

at 7:41 pm on Nov 21, 2013

lol #wilderthatwassorandom

Connors A. said

at 6:48 pm on Mar 4, 2014

heÿ -lol-

Connors A. said

at 6:48 pm on Mar 4, 2014

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Connors A. said

at 6:49 pm on Mar 4, 2014

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Angus E said

at 7:11 pm on Mar 12, 2014

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Zac Churchill said

at 4:42 pm on Mar 24, 2014

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Zac Churchill said

at 4:43 pm on Mar 24, 2014


Zac Churchill said

at 6:42 pm on Apr 2, 2014

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..............(o o)
............<( )>
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Zac Churchill said

at 5:23 pm on Apr 6, 2014

...............\ | /
..............(o o)

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